Reports - Topics - News

DFG at Horizon Europe Research & Innovation Info Day 2024 in Chandigarh and Sonipat

People are sitting around a table

Dr. Vaibhav Agarwal, Deputy Director, DFG India Office during discussion with the participants

(18.09.24) The DFG Office India gave insights into funding opportunities for Indo-German research collaboration. Together with Members of the EU delegation, various schemes were presented and discussed to spend part of a research career in Germany of Europe.

Indo-German Collaboration in Joint Research Projects

Glowing lightbulb with people standing around it in a circle, looking at the lightbulb

© premyuda –

(15.08.24) ICSSR and DFG are launching a joint collaboration for proposals for outstanding joint research projects in the field of social science research.

Indo-German Post-Doc Symposium "Ähnlichkeit als theoretisches Paradigma und ästhetische Praxis"

Seminar room with participants

Post-Doc Symposium at the Committee Room, School of Language, Literature & Culture Studies, JNU


(13.08.24) The DFG Office India together with the Centre of German Studies, JNU facilitated an early career workshop. In honour of the Indian Professor Anil Bhatti research topics of similarity and aesthetics were discussed. German and Indian researchers from the universities of Assam, Bochum, Delhi, Hyderabad and Tübingen discussed their research and exchanged ideas for future collaborations.

AIMS-DFG Collaboration Visits Programme in the Mathematical Sciences

AIMS-DFG Collaboration Visits Programme: Landkarte Afrika mit hervorgehobenen Ländern Senegal, Ghana, Kamerun, Ruanda und Südafrika

(18.07.24) With this call, the DFG and the African Institutes for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) support the initiation of international research collaborations between researchers in early career phases from African countries and researchers at German universities.

Prof. Dr. Kazuhito Hashimoto visits the DFG

Prof. Dr. Kazuhito Hashimoto and Prof. Dr. Katja Becker

(11.07.24) The President of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Prof. Dr.  Kazuhito Hashimoto was visiting the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) on 10 July and spoke with President Prof. Dr. Katja Becker about current topics in international cooperation. DFG and JST have a long-standing partnership. In addition to the joint funding of a large number of bilateral research projects, there is also a regular strategic exchange between the two organisations.

Virtual lecture series for researchers in Health Sciences

(05.07.24) Early career researcher from African countries can learn more about research designs and research results and enter into an exchange with researchers working in Germany.

Fourth Polish-German Science Meeting with Ukrainian Partner Organisation in Warsaw

Impressions of the Fourth Polish-German Science Meeting: All the participants of the Fourth Polish-German Science Meeting in front of the imposing backdrop of Hotel Bellotto in Warsaw.

All the participants of the Fourth Polish-German Science Meeting in front of the imposing backdrop of Hotel Bellotto in Warsaw.

© FNP, Paweł Kula

(28.06.24) The heads of central research institutions and funding organisations from Germany and Poland as well as the National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU) met in mid-June.

DFG at German-Lithuanian information event in Vilnius

Teaser: DFG auf deutsch-litauischer Informationsveranstaltung in Vilnius

(27.05.24) At the beginning of May 2024, the DFG joined forces with the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and the Research Council of Lithuania to organise an information event in Vilnius on the subject of funding opportunities for bilateral collaborative ventures. Around 70 researchers from numerous Lithuanian universities participated in the event, which was also attended by the German Ambassador to Lithuania.

Status Workshop: Towards joint Jordanian-German Research on Water Nexus

Impressions of the status workshop: Group picture of the workshop participants from Jordan and Germany

Group picture of the workshop participants from Jordan and Germany

© TH Lübeck

(29.04.24) On 18 and 19 April 2024, the 12 projects being funded under the DFG call for proposals to initiate international cooperation between researchers at German universities of applied sciences and partners in Jordan in the field of water research came together at TH Lübeck.

DFG Office India at IIT Indore

Impressions of IIT Indore

© IIT Indore

(29.04.24) The DFG Office India together with additional supporters of the DWIH India gave insights into funding schemes for International Research Collaboration and opportunities for research stays in Germany. The hybrid interaction gave the participants at the early and senior career level an overarching insight into the German research landscape and how to engage with its scientists. Earlier a joint Indo-German thematic workshop brought together two research groups to discuss their future collaboration. Both events took place at IIT Indore.

Status Workshop im Bereich „Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture”

Impressionen des Status Workshops: Group Picture

Group Picture


(15.04.24) 24 African-German research teams spent two days discussing scientific and administrative issues related to their initial collaboration and learning about further funding opportunities for their projects.

Visit of the CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB) Kolkata

Impressions of CSIR-IICB: Prof. Vibha Tandon

Prof. Vibha Tandon


(15.04.24) The DFG Office India gave an insight into funding schemes for International Research Collaboration at the CSIR Institute in Kolkata. The interaction (hybrid and in person) identified interests for a research stay in Germany and joint Indo-German research projects.

Visit by the Estonian Research Council (ETAG) in Bonn

Anu Noorma and Heide Ahrens

DFG Secretary General Dr. Heide Ahrens welcomed ETAG General Director Professor Dr. Anu Noorma at the DFG Head Office.


(27.03.24) In mid-March, a large delegation from the Estonian Research Council visited the DFG Head Office in Bonn. The programme included intense bilateral dialogue on current issues in science administration and also a meeting between DFG Secretary General Dr. Heide Ahrens and ETAG Director General Professor Dr. Anu Noorma.

Funding opportunity for Korean-German collaborations

Funding opportunity for Korean-German collaborations

© Pixabay

(28.02.24) DFG and NRF from South Korea offer funding opportunities for initiation of cooperation as well as joint projects.

Leibniz Lecture Tour of Prof. Daniel Frost at Geoscience Departments in New Delhi, Kharagpur, Kolkata and Bengaluru, India

Lecture of Prof. Daniel Frost at the IISc Bangalore

Lecture of Prof. Daniel Frost at the IISc Bangalore


(04.03.24) The DFG Office India hosted a Leibniz Lecture Tour of Prof. Daniel J. Frost, University of Bayreuth. He gave insights into his research topics and could engage with researchers and students at various institutes throughout India.

Mobility Funding of projects within the „AIMS-DFG Cooperation Visits Programme in the Mathematical Sciences“

AIMS-DFG Collaboration Visits Programme: Landkarte Afrika mit hervorgehobenen Ländern Senegal, Ghana, Kamerun, Ruanda und Südafrika

(22.02.24) Six African-German projects were selected for funding in this pilot call jointly organised by the African Institutes for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) and the DFG.

Indo-German Post-Doc Symposium “Bridging Biology and Algorithms: Exploring Data, Models, and Insights”

Poster for the workshop


(19.02.24) The DFG Office India facilitated an early career workshop at the German House in New Delhi. Researchers from the University of Heidelberg and institutions in and around Delhi could discuss their research and engage in discussions about potential collaborations.

Leibniz Lecture by Prof. Stefan Pfister, DKFZ, Heidelberg in New Delhi

Leibniz Lecture: Democratizing access to state-of-the-art molecular diagnostics accross the globe

Leibniz Lecture: Democratizing access to state-of-the-art molecular diagnostics accross the globe


(19.02.24) The DFG Office New Delhi together with the Heidelberg University hosted a Leibniz Lecture of Prof. Stefan Pfister. He gave insights into his research topics and could engage with researchers and clinicians from neighbouring institutions in the Delhi metropole region. The title of his lecture was "Democratizing access to state-of-the art molecular diagnostics across the globe".

DFG-SERB Networking Event of the DFG Office India in the Geosciences

Participants of the Indo-German Week of the Young Researcher 2023

Participants of the Indo-German Week of the Young Researcher 2023


(22.12.23) The Second Indo-German Week of the Young Researcher, New Delhi / Dehradun with the subtopic of „Geodynamics and Climate Science of the Himalaya Region“ brought together early career researchers from India and Germany. 

African-German Scientific Exchange: Neurosciences


(20.12.23) The “African-German Scientific Exchange” enters its third round - this time in the field of neurosciences and invites researchers from all African countries and Germany to initiate international scientific collaboration. 

Webinar for Researchers and Research Managers in Southeast Asia

(25.10.23) Discover how MPG and DFG empower your journey towards scientific excellence. Programmes to join research groups in Germany as well as opportunities for collaborative projects between Southeast Asia and Germany will be highlighted.

DFG approves 22 project teams in the field of agriculture for funding

Logo African-German Scientific Exchange in the Field of Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture

Logo African-German Scientific Exchange in the Field of Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture


(12.10.23) 22 African-German research teams receive funding for the initiation of international collaboration under the initiative “African-German Scientific Exchange in the Field of Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture”.

Cultivating the Eastern Partnership: DFG for Talks in Moldova

Gespräche am großen Tisch mit den Teilnehmenden

In Diskussionen mit dem Präsidenten der Akademie der Wissenschaften und weiteren hochrangigen Vertreterinnen und Vertretern wurden Anknüpfungspunkte für zukünftige Kooperationen ausgelotet

© Akademie der Wissenschaften Moldau

(28.09.23) On a delegation trip undertaken by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to the Republic of Moldova from 11 to 13 September 2023, the DFG’s schedule included visits to the Academy of Sciences and the country’s national funding agency.

UAS Networking Event with Researchers from Taiwan

(09.08.23) On 28 July 2022, the virtual event Networking for Research – German Universities of Applied Sciences & Researchers in Taiwan was held as a further item in the ongoing series of theme-based matchmaking events with universities of applied sciences (UAS). The DFG initiative “Networking for Research – Universities of Applied Sciences and Researchers Worldwide” (UDIF-HAW) seeks to reach out to UAS whose application-oriented research is highly regarded in an international context.

Delegation Trip to Kazakhstan: DFG Strengthens Its Commitment in Central Asia

Besuch des Ministeriums für Wissenschaft und Hochschulbildung der Republik Kasachstan

Visit to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 14 June 2023.

© Jörg Schneider

(24.07.23) As part of the expansion of scientific cooperation with the Central Asian region, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) took part in a delegation trip to Kazakhstan organised by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) from 12 to 16 June 2023. The objective was to establish contacts with institutions of science and the humanities and research and explore fresh potential for cooperation with Germany. The German delegation visited Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Education and Science as well as the country’s leading universities and research institutes to find out about bilateral cooperation projects.

DFG Expands Cooperation with the South Caucasus: Signing of a Cooperation Agreement in Georgia

DFG-Generalsekretärin Heide Ahrens und Direktor der SRNSFG Erekle Astakhishvili unterzeichnen am 12.07.2023 ein Memorandum of Understanding

DFG Secretary General Dr. Heide Ahrens and Director of the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia Profeessor Dr. Erekle Astakhishvili sign a Memorandum of Understanding on 12 July 2023 – the DFG’s first agreement with a partner organisation in the South Caucasus.

© Jörg Schneider

(24.07.23) On a delegation trip of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to Armenia and Georgia, DFG Secretary General Dr. Heide Ahrens signed an agreement with the Director of the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNSFG), Professor Dr. Erekle Astakhishvili, on 12 July. The signing at the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia in Tbilisi was attended by the Minister and the Parliamentary State Secretary of the BMBF, Dr. Jens Brandenburg.

Vietnamese-German Collaboration in Joint Research Projects

(14.07.23) NAFOSTED and DFG are launching a joint collaboration for proposals for outstanding joint research projects in all fields of science and humanities.

Funding opportunity for Japanese-German collaborations

Förderprogramm „ASPIRE“ von AMED

Förderprogramm „ASPIRE“ von AMED

© Pixabay

(15.06.23) The DFG joins the funding program “ASPIRE” by JST and AMED. // New call for “Joint Seminars” published by JSPS.

Status Workshop in the Field of “Public Health”

DFG Status Workshop in the Field of Public Health for African-German Collaborations (March 2023)

DFG Status Workshop in the Field of Public Health for African-German Collaborations (March 2023)


(05.05.23) On 30-31 March 2023 22 international research teams in the field of “Public Health” were invited to present their cooperation progress, identify further pathways for their research and exchange ideas regarding framework conditions for African-German Scientific Exchanges with the DFG. The Status Workshop took place in Königswinter, near Bonn.

DFG delegation visit to South Korea and Singapore

National Research Foundation of Korea, Daejeon: NRF President Prof. Kwang Bok Lee, the participating NRF representatives, the DFG delegation and two members from the German Embassy

National Research Foundation of Korea, Daejeon: NRF President Prof. Kwang Bok Lee, the participating NRF representatives, the DFG delegation and two members from the German Embassy


(05.05.23) Strengthening cooperation and getting to know the science systems better – those were the goals of the delegation visit with President Katja Becker and Vice President Axel Brakhage to South Korea and Singapore. For five days, the delegation visited research institutions, universities and funding organizations in both countries and held talks on new partnerships. In addition, meetings were held with the German ambassadors as well as stakeholders such as representatives of German scientific organizations.

DFG President at the United Nations

Prof Dr. Katja Becker

Prof Dr. Katja Becker at the auf dem "Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals"

(05.05.23) The President of the DFG and Chair of the Governing Board of the Global Research Council (GRC), Professor Dr. Katja Becker, used an extremely prominent location to stress the pivotal importance of science and research in relation to addressing global humanity questions and realising the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Becker spoke on Thursday 4 May in the UN’s New York headquarters at the "Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (STI for SDG)".

German-Korean Funding Programme for Joint Workshops and Research Visits

© Pixabay

(28.02.23) The DFG and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) are pleased to announce a call for proposals for German-Korean joint workshops and research visits. This initiative aims to bring together relevant and competitive researchers from Germany and South Korea to establish collaborative scientific relationships and prepare joint projects.

Expansion of cooperation with partner organizations in Africa

Logo: SGCI und IOSRS

(09.02.23) The German Research Foundation (DFG) and the National Research Foundation South Africa (NRF) propose a new 3-year (2023-2025) partnership to support the Science Granting Councils Initiative in Sub-Saharan Africa (SGCI).

Third Polish-German Science Meeting underlines the importance of cooperation in times of crisis

(16.11.22) On 27 and 28 October, some 50 representatives of 17 German and Polish academic institutions and the embassies of both countries met in Berlin to continue the institutional discussion series on crisis management strategies.

Results of Call by DFG and JSPS

Schmuckbild: DFG und JSPS fördern 8 Forschungsprojekte im Bereich Materials Science and Engineering for Energy Storage, Conversion, and Transport

© Pixabay

(11.11.22) The DFG and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) are funding joint Japanese-German research projects in the field of Materials Science and Engineering for Energy Storage, Conversion, and Transport. After the first joint call in 2018 in the field of Geosciences DFG and JSPS agreed to publish a new call in March 2022 to further support the Japanese-German research. Based on the recommendation of a team of Japanese and German reviewers 8 projects have been selected for funding.

UAS networking event with Canadian and US partners

Canadian Rocky Mountains

Canadian Rocky Mountains

© Sophie Riding

(07.11.22) On 18 October 2022, the virtual event Networking for Research – German Universities of Applied Sciences & Researchers in Canada/USA was held as a further item in the series of theme-based matchmaking events with universities of applied sciences (UAS).

UAS delegation trip to Jordan

Al Balqa Applied University, Jordanien

© Matouq

(25.10.22) At the end of September 2022, just under 20 representatives of German Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) visited a number of universities and research institutions in Jordan. The 5-day trip was part of the DFG initiative that brings researchers from German UAS together with international researchers through various formats. It was prepared back in February at a virtual matchmaking event (DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – Networking research at universities of applied sciences with research in Jordan) on the topic of “Water Nexus Research – Challenges and Strategies for a Sustainable Future”.

Extension of the DFG’s cooperation agreement with South Tyrol

Signing of the cooperation agreement / Arno Kompatscher (Governor of South Tyrol), Britta Siegmund (Vice President DFG)

Signing of the cooperation agreement / Arno Kompatscher (Governor of South Tyrol), Britta Siegmund (Vice President DFG)

(26.08.22) At the beginning of August, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and the regional government of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano – South Tyrol extended their joint funding agreement. DFG Vice President Professor Dr. Britta Siegmund and South Tyrol’s Governor Arno Kompatscher signed the cooperation agreement at an event promoting the German-speaking research area at the Landhaus in Bolzano, which was also attended by high-ranking representatives of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), as well as numerous researchers from Italy, Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Virtual German-Senegalese dialogue event

Prof. Katja Becker with Prof. Soukèye Dia Tine and Prof. Amadou Gallo Diop from MESRI in Dakar/Senegal

Prof. Katja Becker with Prof. Soukèye Dia Tine and Prof. Amadou Gallo Diop from MESRI in Dakar/Senegal


(13.07.22) DFG and MESRI hosted a virtual German-Senegalese dialogue event on 09 June 2022. Thereby, they encouraged an exchange about the respective research priorities and funding opportunities of the two countries.

Uzbek Ambassador visits the DFG

DFG President Prof. Katja Becker and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan Nabijon Kasimov

DFG President Prof. Katja Becker and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan Nabijon Kasimov

© DFG / Elisa Braeckevelt

(07.07.22) On 14 June, DFG President Prof. Dr. Katja Becker received the Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nabijon Kasimov, at the DFG Head Office in Bonn, accompanied by the country’s attachés for science and industry. The aim of the meeting was to resume talks on expanding scientific cooperation between the DFG and Uzbekistan, which were interrupted for a while due to the pandemic.

African-German Scientific Exchange: Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture

© DFG / Jennifer Gronau

(07.07.22) While scientific exchange and networking between researchers from sub-Saharan Africa and Germany primarily took place in the past in the context of physical meetings at conferences and workshops, the DFG and its partner organisations in the region had to find ways to adapt joint networking activities to the new realities of international cooperation since the beginning of the pandemic.

Copernicus Award 2022 and 2020: two pairs of winners honoured at festive ceremony in Warsaw

Welcoming words by FNP President Żylicz at Łazienki Palace in Warsaw

Welcoming words by FNP President Żylicz at Łazienki Palace in Warsaw

© Paweł Kula

(28.06.22) DFG President Katja Becker and FNP President Maciej Żylicz presented the 2022 Copernicus Award on 9 June 2022. The festive ceremony also included the in-person presentation of the 2020 awards since the last event had to be cancelled due to the pandemic. more

German-Japanese Funding Programme for Joint Workshops and Research Visits

© Pixabay

(09.06.22) The DFG and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) jointly fund German-Japanese workshops and research visits. This initiative aims to bring together relevant and competitive researchers from Germany and Japan to establish collaborative scientific relationships and prepare joint projects. Proposals will be accepted until 6th September.

Webinar Japan, Singapore

Decorative picture: Webinar „Sustainable use of green hydrogen for mobility and transportation system“

Webinar „Sustainable use of green hydrogen for mobility and transportation system“

© SGInnovate

(02.05.22) SGInnovate (Singapore) is organising the webinar "Sustainable use of green hydrogen for mobility and transportation system" on 12 May 2022 with the support of the DFG, the German Embassy in Singapore and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). Scientists from the three participating countries will present their research in the field of green hydrogen during the event. There will also be an opportunity for questions during a Q&A.

German-Korean Funding Programmes

© Pixabay

(16.03.22) The DFG and the NRF have published a call for proposals for joint German-Korean workshops and research visits. Furthermore, a webinar has been conducted to share information on bilaterally funded International Research Training Groups (IRTGs).

DFG-EURAXESS EVENT on Opportunities for Collaborative Research

Hosted by EURAXESS (Dr. Susanne Rentzow-Vasu and Dr. Jenny Lind Elmaco), DFG representatives (Dr. Franziska Langer and Raoul Wagner) presented funding opportunities for joint international research projects

Hosted by EURAXESS (Dr. Susanne Rentzow-Vasu and Dr. Jenny Lind Elmaco), DFG representatives (Dr. Franziska Langer and Raoul Wagner) presented funding opportunities for joint international research projects


(10.03.22) To share information about ways to approach potential collaboration partners and find the right funding, the DFG was hosted by EURAXESS ASEAN for an online Info-Session on March 3rd. The event was aimed at research administrators, seasoned principal investigators and experienced researchers in the ASEAN region seeking to explore funding opportunities for collaborative research with German partners.

Networking research at universities of applied sciences with research in Jordan

Petra, Jordan

Petra, Jordan

(08.03.22) The kick-off event Water Nexus Research – challenges and strategies for a sustainable future marked the start of a series of theme-based matchmaking events with different countries and regions for UDIF-HAW, the DFG initiative aimed at reaching out to universities of applied sciences (UAS) whose application-oriented research is highly regarded in an international context.

Virtual African-German Solar Energy Status Workshop: Funded research teams present themselves

Symbol Image Globe


(08.02.22) On 28 January 2022, the grantees of 13 approved German-African cooperation projects presented the current status of their cooperation and possible plans for further cooperation projects in a virtual workshop.

Memorandum of Understanding

Prof. Katja Becker signing the MoU

Prof. Katja Becker signing the MoU

© DFG / Otto

(03.02.22) For the first time, the DFG and CAMES sign an MoU to strengthen their cooperation and to stimulate research collaborations between Germany and the 19 CAMES member states.

Matchmaking event on water nexus research

Schmuckbild: Kasten

(06.01.22) The DFG-initiative Supporting the internationalisation of research at universities of applied sciences (UDIF-HAW) invites to the matchmaking fair for German universities of applied sciences and scientists from Jordan on 15 February 2022 from 9.00 am to 1.30 pm (CET).

SGCI-DFG partnership funds three multilateral projects of African research teams until 2024

(06.12.21) Kick-off meeting of SGCI collaborative research projects on the sidelines of the SGCI Annual Forum 2021 marks the launch of three multilateral projects of African research teams until 2024.

African-German Scientific Exchange in the Field of Public Health: 154 posters from 24 countries

African-German Scientific Exchange in the Field of Public Health: Einladung zur Einreichung von Postern

(06.12.21) In the two-step call for proposals, 154 from 24 countries were admitted. Public health researchers from Sub-Saharan Africa and Germany interested in international collaborations are now exploring options for cooperation.

“Days of Ukraine in Berlin and Brandenburg” at FU Berlin

DFG presentation (Mechthild Köhler)

DFG presentation (Mechthild Köhler)

© CeDiS FU Berlin

(29.09.21) In mid-September, the DFG participated both online and in person in the “Days of Ukraine in Berlin and Brandenburg”, an event organised by FU Berlin in collaboration with the German-Ukrainian Academic Society to mark the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence and the 70th anniversary of the FU Berlin’s Institute for Eastern European Studies.

DFG President offers her congratulations to mark the NCN anniversary

Video message from DFG President Katja Becker during the NCN celebration event at the Juliusz Słowacki Theater in Krakow.

Video message from DFG President Katja Becker during the NCN celebration event at the Juliusz Słowacki Theater in Krakow.

© NCN/Michał Łepecki

(27.09.21) The National Science Centre Poland (NCN) celebrated its 10th anniversary at the beginning of September with the involvement of high-ranking international attendees. At the festive event, DFG President Katja Becker paid tribute to the successful cooperation between the DFG and the NCN.

First “Research in Germany” appearance at the General Assembly of the “Collège International pour la Recherché en Productique” (CIRP) 2021

CIRP 2021 Logo

CIRP 2021

(27.09.21) The “Research in Germany” initiative appeared for the first time at the virtual general meeting of the “College International pour la Recherche en Productique” (CIRP) this year to present the German research scene in the field of production technology.

New agreement with Spain’s Agencia Estatal des Investigación (AEI)

DFG President Prof. Dr. Katja Becker

DFG President Prof. Dr. Katja Becker

© Jörg Schneider

(22.09.21) In mid-September, a new cooperation agreement between the DFG and the AEI was formally signed at the Spanish Embassy in Berlin by the presidents of the two organisations, Professor Katja Becker and Dr. Raquel Yotti.

African-German Scientific Exchange in the Field of Public Health: Invitation to exchange ideas and establish networks

African-German Scientific Exchange in the Field of Public Health: Einladung zur Einreichung von Postern

(06.07.21) While scientific exchange and networking between researchers from sub-Saharan Africa and Germany have in the past primarily taken place in the context of physical meetings at conferences and workshops, the DFG and its partner organisations in the region have had to find ways to adapt joint networking activities to the new realities of international cooperation since the beginning of the pandemic.

Call for the Mobility Programme 2020

Logo: Chinesisch-Deutsches Zentrum

(27.04.21) The Mobility Programme of the CDZ for Research Promotion was launched in 2020 for the second time. It serves to facilitate bilateral cooperation on a specific scientific topic.

African-German Scientific Exchange in the Field of Public Health: Invitation to Submit Posters

African-German Scientific Exchange in the Field of Public Health: Einladung zur Einreichung von Postern

(19.01.21) Some 70 scientists from Botswana, Germany, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe were originally due to meet in May 2020 in Maputo/Mozambique for a public health symposium to discuss communicable and non-communicable diseases and health systems research. Unfortunately, the meeting had to be cancelled due to the corona pandemic.

German Universities and the DFG Support African TWAS-DFG Fellows During the Lockdown

Foto: Coronavirus-Pandemie

© AdobeStock

(05.11.20) For 10 years, TWAS (The World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries) and the DFG have promoted cooperation of up to 50 postdoctoral researchers from sub-Saharan Africa and their hosts at research institutions in Germany.

DFG Involved in the Science Granting Councils Initiative in Sub-Saharan Africa (SGCI)

(05.11.20) In 2015, the DFG Executive Committee adopted an Africa concept that aims to establish optimum framework conditions for research cooperation between sub-Saharan Africa and Germany through collaboration with DFG partner organisations. Given the heterogeneous nature of this rapidly developing region, opportunities for collaboration are to be identified as quickly as possible so as to enable the set-up and support of initial scientific cooperations.

Pre-Announcement: UK-German Collaborative Research Projects in the Humanities

Schmuckbild: Kasten

(26.10.20) The DFG together with the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), will launch a bilateral call for collaborative research proposals bringing together Arts and Humanities researchers in the UK with Humanities (including Law and Linguistics) researchers in Germany to conduct outstanding joint UK-German research projects. This is the third in a series of annual bilateral DFG/AHRC calls, following successful calls launched in 2018 and 2019. The detailed call for proposals is planned for 19 November 2020 with a deadline on 24 February 2021.

Cooperation with Partners in France and Japan: DGF to Fund Nine Artificial Intelligence Projects

Digital Technology

Digital Technology

© CC0

(16.10.20) The DFG is funding nine artificial intelligence projects in cooperation with the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, France) and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST, Japan). Researchers from all three countries will be cooperating on these projects, which will receive funding amounting to approximately €7 million from the institutions involved.

Copernicus Award 2020 for Outstanding German-Polish Collaboration in Cryptography

(21.04.20) Professor Dr. Sebastian Faust, TU Darmstadt, and Professor Dr. Stefan Dziembowski, University of Warsaw, have been chosen to receive the 2020 Copernicus Award from the DFG and the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) for their collaboration in theoretical cryptography and IT security. Since 2006, the €200,000 award has been presented every two years to two researchers, one from Germany and one from Poland.