Information for Researchers | 2024

Information for Researchers, No. 65 | July 16, 2024
AIMS-DFG Collaboration Visits Programme in the Mathematical Sciences
Information for Researchers, No. 52 | June 18, 2024
Colombian-German Collaboration in Research
Information for Researchers, No. 51 | June 17, 2024
Call for Ideas to Support AI in Research through Information Infrastructures
Information for Researchers, No. 47 | June 3, 2024
Priority Programme “Understanding Gaze (UGaze)” (SPP 2481)
Information for Researchers, No. 45 | May 29, 2024
Programme „Interactive Spin-State Switching (ISS)” (SPP 2491)
Information for Researchers, No. 41 | May 16, 2024
Research Software Infrastructures
Information for Researchers, No. 40 | May 3, 2024
Priority Programme “Productive Biofilm Systems” (SPP 2494)
Information for Researchers, No. 39 | May 2, 2024
Theme-Based Delegation Trip to Scotland for UAS Representatives
Information for Researchers, No. 35 | April 16, 2024
DFG Publishes Gender Equality Monitoring for the Reporting Year 2023
Information for Researchers, No. 33 | April 15, 2024
Interdisciplinary Projects under the Reinhart Koselleck Programme
Information for Researchers, No. 29 | March 27, 2024
TWAS-DFG Cooperation Visits Programme – SSA
Information for Researchers, No. 28 | March 27, 2024
TWAS-DFG Cooperation Visits Programme – MENA
Information for Researchers, No. 20 | March 12, 2024
DFG Introduces New Measures to Promote Diversity in Research
Information for Researchers, No. 15 | February 28, 2024
Korean-German Funding Programme for Joint Workshops and Research Visits
Information for Researchers, No. 2 | January 11, 2024
Boosting Diamond Open Access

Information for Researchers by year





Further Information

The DFG’s announcements/calls are generally published in German. Depending on the content, this information may also be published in English, which would then be available on this page. For a complete listing of all announcements/calls, please refer to