Press Releases | 2023

Press Release No. 54 | December 8, 2023
DFG to Fund Four New Research Units
Press Release No. 52 | December 7, 2023
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prizes 2024
Press Release No. 50 | November 24, 2023
DFG to Fund 17 New Collaborative Research Centres
Press Release No. 46 | November 9, 2023
Von Kaven Award Goes to Mathematician Lisa Sauermann
Press Release No. 45 | November 8, 2023
DFG to Fund 12 New Research Training Groups
Press Release No. 43 | October 23, 2023
Start of the 2023 DFG Review Board Election
Press Release No. 42 | October 4, 2023
DFG Announces Communicator Award 2024
Press Release No. 41 | September 29, 2023
Dealing with Risks in International Research Cooperation
Press Release No. 40 | September 22, 2023
DFG to Fund Eight New Research Units
Press Release No. 26 | June 28, 2023
DFG Admits Two New Member Organisations
Press Release No. 25 | June 28, 2023
Four New Members of the DFG Senate
Press Release No. 24 | June 28, 2023
A new Vice President for the DFG
Press Release No. 12 | May 8, 2023
DFG to Fund Eleven New Research Training Groups
Press Release No. 10 | April 11, 2023
DFG supports plans for legislation on research data
Press Release No. 7 | March 27, 2023
2023 Communicator Award Goes to Steffen Mau
Press Release No. 6 | March 27, 2023
DFG Establishes Six New Priority Programmes
Press Release No. 5 | March 27, 2023
DFG to Fund 13 New Research Units
Press Release No. 2 | February 7, 2023
146 Letters of Intent for New Clusters of Excellence

Press Releases by year