Networking for Research – German Universities of Applied Sciences and Researchers Worldwide

Schmuckbild: Kasten

Modern research is international! This requires good networking.

With its initiative Networking for Research at Universities of Applied Sciences (UDIF-HAW), the DFG is explicitly addressing UAS interested in international research collaborations or are already involved in collaborative research with partners abroad and would like to expand these.

Researchers form German UAS engage in a scientific exchange with international researchers at theme based virtual matchmaking events. The next stage then involves follow-up activities in order to intensify established contacts and get to know research conditions on site. Prior to the virtual matchmaking event, advise on DFG funding is provided in form of a virtual information event (potentially also involving the international partner funding organisation). Individual consultation is offered throughout the entire process.

To carry out projects, various DFG funding programmes are available, i.e. the Initiation of International Cooperation programme or the Individual Research Grants programme.


Group photo in Glasgow

From 2 to 6 September 2024, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) travelled to Scotland with a delegation as part of its initiative “Networking for Research – Universities of Applied Sciences and Researchers Worldwide (UDIF-HAW)”. 22 representatives of German universities of applied sciences had the opportunity to get to know 13 Scottish universities and research institutes and to strengthen their local contacts in the area of “Health and Environment”. DFG Vice President Professor Dr. Karin Jacobs joined the delegation on its trip.

Topic-related events

Scotland: landscape


Further Information

We regularly send emails informing about upcoming events in the context of the initiative as well as about topics within the DFG that are relevant for UAS. If you wish to be added to the mailing list, please send us an e-mail to .

All important information on the DFG initiative UDIF-HAW can also be found in our flyer.

An overview of all DFG funding for universities of applied sciences can be found here:


Mailbox "UDIF-HAW"