Jonas Preine - Bernd Rendel Prizewinner 2023

Jonas Preine

Jonas Preine

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Jonas Preine’s research focus is marine geophysics. His research career began when he won the national science award for young people Jugend forscht in 2012. This was followed by numerous voyages on research vessels to the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, the Atlantic and the Red Sea – in some cases acting as a tutor, shift leader or manager. His doctoral thesis deals with the Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo volcanic field in the Aegean Sea, an area that is highly relevant in terms of volcanic risk in Europe, too. He draws on a wide range of geophysical methods to look at the spatial and temporal evolution of the volcanic field and extension basin. Jonas Preine would like to use the prize money to undertake further work in the Aegean.


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