Study: Evaluation of Special Subject Collections

Cover Studie: Evaluation des Sondersammelgebiets-Systems

For decades, the DFG-funded system of special subject collections has been a key component of the national supply of literature and information for science and the humanities in Germany.

Within the scope of the evaluation performed by Prognos AG (authors: Michael Astor, Dr. Georg Klose, Susanne Heinzelmann, Daniel Riesenberg), the overall funding system for the special subject collections is the subject of an extensive examination.

Emphasis is on questions regarding the functionality and performance of the DFG-funded special subject collection system in the context of changed basic conditions such as, e.g., the increased digitalisation, the special subject collection libraries in practice and assessments of non-special subject collection libraries as well as the need or expectations of the target groups of researchers. In addition to personal and telephone interviews, a written survey of the special subject collection libraries and an online questionnaire of the DFG Review Boards were used to collect the data.

In addition to the assessment of the results of the funding programme, the authors point out possibilities for further developing the funding structures.