ANR-DFG French-German Collaboration for Joint Projects in Natural, Life and Engineering Sciences

Results of the preceding edition of this call

The French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; German Research Foundation) have agreed to continue publishing annual calls for French-German projects in the natural, life and engineering sciences (excluding space technology, nuclear research and defence). Responsibility for the administrative processing and the review process for proposals submitted under these calls alternates annually between ANR and the DFG.

Proposals in social sciences and humanities must be submitted in the dedicated ANR-DFG call for social sciences and humanities (with separate deadlines). This includes transdisciplinary projects when the proposed approach is mainly centred on social sciences and humanities, and/or when the principal investigator is from the social sciences/humanities.

Call ANR-DFG NLE 2024

The 2024 edition of the ANR-DFG collaboration in the Natural, Life and Engineering sciences (NLE) will take place with the DFG having the role of the ‘lead agency’, i.e., the DFG will be responsible for processing the proposals and conducting the review process. However, the proposals need to be submitted to both the ANR and the DFG using their respective web interfaces.

Note that from the viewpoint of the DFG, proposals within this call are a special case of the DFG’s Research Grants programme (Sachbeihilfe), with a few additional provisions explained below.

Step 0:

You need to comply with the usual eligibility rules of the DFG and the ANR. For the DFG, see the general rules of Research Grants.

Notably, if applicable to you, the duty to cooperate (Kooperationspflicht) for members of non-university research institutions has to be fulfilled with universities in Germany. The eligibility requirements on the side of the ANR are documented in the generic call for proposals 2024 (AAPG 2024) at

Also check the specific annex for ANR-DFG proposals at the bottom of ANR’s AAPG 2024 webpage.

Step 1:

Prepare your project description based on the structure and numbering defined by the template. Also note the page limits mentioned within the template, which are strict.

The project description must describe the whole project (French and German sides, and their interaction) and justify all funds requested, both from the ANR and from the DFG, respectively. The maximum project duration is 36 months.

Note that CVs also must be based on the DFG’s template:

Step 2:

Submit your proposal to the DFG at

This is only possible if all applicants on the German side have a valid account with up-to-date contact information on elan. If not, please register for/update your account as early as possible, at the latest on 5 January 2024. The French partners may register for an account, too, in order to provide their correct contact information. However, the latter is not compulsory.

Submission to the DFG opens on 13 November 2023 and is possible until 10 January 2024 (whole day until midnight).

Please submit your proposal under Proposal Submission – New Project as a “Proposal for a Research Grant” in the Individual Grants Programme (as shown on the screenshot). Within the submission process, you need to select the call “Frankreich-ANR-DFG 2024 NLE”.

Only the funds requested from the DFG need to be entered in the elan web forms (for every German applicant).

The corresponding French applicants need to be entered as “cooperation partners” in the elan web forms. Please refrain from entering further participating persons (other than the actual applicants).

Step 3:

The French partner submits a copy of the proposal to the ANR according to the instructions of the ANR (AAPG 2024 and the specific annex for ANR-DFG proposals). See:

This has to be completed by 11 January 2024, 5 p.m. (Paris time). Note that there is no pre-proposal stage for these bilateral proposals. Submission to the ANR opens on 13 November 2023.

The final decision after selection by the DFG and confirmation by the ANR can be expected to be available in October 2024, with a start of funding at the beginning of 2025. Funding will be awarded to the selected projects according to the general financial regulations of the ANR and the DFG, respectively.

Contact for general questions about ANR-DFG NLE:

  • Dr. Carsten Balleier
    0228-885 2063
  • Maria Borre
    0228-885 2715
  • Christina López Castillo
    0228-885 2295

Contacts for questions specific to your research discipline:

Contact for questions concerning the submission to the ANR:

Please note the DFG’s data protection notice on research funding, which can be viewed and downloaded at

If necessary, please also forward this information to those persons whose data the DFG processes because they are involved in your project.