COVID-19 Focus Funding: Aerosol Particles and their Distribution

Funding under this call is available for projects dedicated to answering open and pressing questions on the formation of aerosol particles during breathing, speaking, coughing, sneezing, as well as their evaporation kinetics and spreading dynamics in rooms. Furthermore, the call intends to address the efficient removal of aerosol particles from indoor air, the infectiosity of virus-transmitting aerosols and the inactivation of viruses in aerosols via multiphysics approaches (radiation, charging, temperature, etc.) as well as the transport and deposition of aerosol particles in the airways. Proposals and other proposal documents should be submitted via the elan portal by 2 March 2021.

List of funded Projects:

Subject Area Project in GEPRIS
Mechanical Process Engineering Mechanisms of indoor aerosol spread considering particle interactions and drying kinetics
Fluid Mechanics CFD modelling of indoor aerosol transport based on experimental Lagrangian particle tracking measurements to infer airborne SARS-CoV-2 transmission risk
Fluid Mechanics
Biomedical Technology and Medical Physics
Statistical Physics, Soft Matter, Biological Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics
Micro-biophysical characterization of respiration aerosols (µResp) and their role in airborne transmission of infectious diseases
Fluid Mechanics Spreading of aerosols in mixed convection in a generic passenger cabin
Fluid Mechanics Sensors and exposition analyses for aerosol transport in dynamic situations
Fluid Mechanics High-fidelity modeling of the drying kinetics, lifetimes, and trajectories of saliva droplets
Fluid Mechanics
Plant Physiology
Deposition of inhaled aerosols: a biological-fluid mechanical analysis of the deposition of particles in a respiratory model to assess the propagation of inhaled agents and the efficiency and toxicity of active substances in human airways using allicin as reference substance
Mechanical Process Engineering
Fundamentals of plasma disinfection for the inactivation of viruses in aerosol particles: Influence of liquid films
Chemical and Thermal Process Engineering
Technical Thermodynamics
Molecular simulation study of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in aerosols
Fluid Mechanics
Atmospheric Science
Aerosol chamber studies to characterize the SARS-CoV-2 transmission through aerosol particles (AEROVIR)
Fluid Mechanics
Medical Microbiology and Mycology, Hygiene, Molecular Infection Biology
Pneumology, Thoracic Surgery
ExAero: Aerosol emission during exercise in relation to lung function, age and body weight
Fluid Mechanics The influence of turbulence on the cleaning performance of indoor air cleaners
Mechanical Process Engineering Determination of the UV radiation dose of an aerosol using UV-sensitive dyes to optimize UV room air filters
Mechanical Process Engineering Fundamentals of energy efficient precipitation and inactivation of COVID-19 aerosols by means of an ozone-free electrostatic precipitator designed for indoor use
Fluid Mechanics Spreading of SARS-CoV-2-laden aerosol particles in closed patient rooms
Fluid Mechanics
Analytical Chemistry
Medical Microbiology and Mycology, Hygiene, Molecular Infection Biology
Establishing a universal model virus system for breath air aerosol studies, including an appropriate sampling system