NFDI Conference 2021

The third NFDI conference took place on 8 July 2021 as a webinar.


The NFDI conference had three aims. First, it enabled dialogue and networking among all consortia, particularly between prospective consortia and existing consortia and those recommended for funding. Second, the DFG provided representatives of prospective consortia with information about the NFDI and key points relating to proposal submission in the third and currently final round. Third, the NFDI Directorate, represented by Professor Dr. York Sure-Vetter, attended the conference and informed participants about the NFDI Association and its upcoming activities following its recent establishment.


Requirements for Participation

Participation was free and generally open to any person who was interested in the further development of the NFDI.

In addition, representatives of prospective, third-round consortia had the opportunity to present their consortium and discuss proposed activities in subject-oriented meetings with other participants. To do so, prospective applicants submited an extended abstract containing information about user requirements and the objectives of the prospective consortium.

The abstract was intended solely as preparation for the NFDI conference. It is non-binding with regard to any later proposal and review and reflected the status of discussions and planning prior to the conference.

Conference Abstracts

Conference Materials

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