DFG on tour: Top Institutes visited

(21.05.19) As part of its efforts to reach the best researchers in India, DFG India Office has visited some top institutes in Delhi in May. It has met with researchers in the Life Sciences at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), with young scientists at the Institute for Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB) as well as with junior and senior researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi.

Some of the meetings were jointly held with representatives of other German research organizations such as the Max Planck Society and some leading German universities. For DFG, the objective is to let researchers in India know about the value of international research cooperation as well as the funding lines supporting it. DFG also offers funding for research stays in Germany with a typical duration of three years. This is of particular interest to soon-to-be postdocs. For senior researchers, it is often a welcome surprise to learn the DFG is also able to fund Indo-German scientific workshops which can take place either in Germany or in India. These workshops can be applied within the funding line “Initiation of International Cooperation”.

“Many researchers in India still gravitate towards the U.S. or the U.K. But for an increasing number of colleagues, Germany is now firmly on our radar. So we are very excited to learn that there are so many attractive funding programmes for research in Germany, and also for Indo-German research collaboration”, one recent PhD student and new faculty member at JNU opined after the meeting.

If you want more information about funding programmes for Indo-German research collaboration or for research stays in Germany, do not hesitate to contact DFG India Office for more information.