Information for Researchers: International Context

“Information for Researchers” aim to keep researchers from all disciplines up to date on news from the DFG funding programmes as well as on ongoing calls for proposals. In addition, there is a specific list of “Information for Researchers” in an international context.

Most recent publications

Information for Researchers, No. 65 | July 16, 2024
AIMS-DFG Collaboration Visits Programme in the Mathematical Sciences
Information for Researchers, No. 52 | June 18, 2024
Colombian-German Collaboration in Research
Information for Researchers, No. 39 | May 2, 2024
Theme-Based Delegation Trip to Scotland for UAS Representatives
Information for Researchers, No. 29 | March 27, 2024
TWAS-DFG Cooperation Visits Programme – SSA
Information for Researchers, No. 28 | March 27, 2024
TWAS-DFG Cooperation Visits Programme – MENA
Information for Researchers, No. 15 | February 28, 2024
Korean-German Funding Programme for Joint Workshops and Research Visits
Information for Researchers, No. 111 | December 8, 2023
African-German Scientific Exchange in the Field of Neurosciences
Information for Researchers, No. 102 | November 22, 2023
Deutsch-Israelische Projektkooperation (DIP) – German-Israeli Project Cooperation

Information for Researchers by year