Information for Researchers | 2022

Information for Researchers, No. 91 | November 30, 2022
Emmy Noether Groups – Toxicology
Information for Researchers, No. 89 | November 21, 2022
New Features of the Priority Programmes
Information for Researchers, No. 90 | November 21, 2022
Collaboration between UK and Germany Supports World-leading Research
Information for Researchers, No. 87 | November 15, 2022
Chilean-German Collaboration in Research
Information for Researchers, No. 86 | November 15, 2022
Taiwan-German Collaboration in Research
Information for Researchers, No. 85 | November 8, 2022
Research Software – Quality Assured and Re-usable
Information for Researchers, No. 84 | November 3, 2022
Funding Opportunities for Joint German-Mexican Research Projects (UNAM-DFG)
Information for Researchers, No. 79 | October 17, 2022
Open Science as Part of Research Culture
Information for Researchers, No. 74 | October 6, 2022
UK-German Funding Initiative in the Humanities
Information for Researchers, No. 72 | October 5, 2022
DFG Funding Atlas 2021
Information for Researchers, No. 69 | September 30, 2022
Results of the Evaluation of the Programme Variant Clinical Research Units (CRU)
Information for Researchers, No. 68 | September 16, 2022
BiodivERsA+: Call 2022–2023
Information for Researchers, No. 61 | September 1, 2022
Package of Measures to Support a Shift in the Culture of Research Assessment
Information for Researchers, No. 56 | July 12, 2022
Making Quality-Promoting Measures More Visible in DFG Projects
Information for Researchers, No. 42 | June 10, 2022
German-African Cooperation Projects in Infectiology
Information for Researchers, No. 41 | June 8, 2022
New Indo-German Funding Initiative in Medical Research
Information for Researchers, No. 26 | March 18, 2022
DFG Supports “Action Plan for Diamond Open Access
Information for Researchers, No. 23 | March 8, 2022
Update of the Project Proposal Preparation Instructions
Information for Researchers, No. 22 | March 8, 2022
Information Regarding German-Russian Proposals and Cooperation Projects
Information for Researchers, No. 17 | March 3, 2022
Refugee Researchers: DFG Expands Support
Information for Researchers, No. 16 | February 24, 2022
German-Korean Funding Programme for Joint Workshops and Research Visits
Information for Researchers, No. 13 | February 15, 2022
Sequencing Costs in Projects
Information for Researchers, No. 12 | February 11, 2022
DKN Establishes New Working Groups
Information for Researchers, No. 8 | February 1, 2022
National Research Data Infrastructure: Funding of NFDI-wide Basic Services
Information for Researchers, No. 5 | January 21, 2022
Workshop for Early Career Investigators in Engineered Living Materials

Information for Researchers by year





Further Information

The DFG’s announcements/calls are generally published in German. Depending on the content, this information may also be published in English, which would then be available on this page. For a complete listing of all announcements/calls, please refer to