Von Kaven Award Goes to Thomas Nikolaus

DFG recognises outstanding research achievements in mathematics

Von Kaven-Ehrenpreis geht an Professor Dr. Thomas Nikolaus

Professor Dr. Thomas Nikolaus of the University of Münster is the recipient of this year's von Kaven Award for his work at the interface between topology and algebra. The award ceremony is to take place in Erlangen on 6 December.

DFG Presents “Funding Atlas 2024”:

Key Figures as a Source of Information and as a Decision-Making Aid


The most comprehensive compendium on public funding of research in Germany is being published for the tenth time. With tens of thousands of data points, it provides information on which universities and research institutions receive funding, from whom and in what form, and how they use these funds to be competitive and to develop their profiles.

Seven New Collaborative Research Centres established

Approximately €92 million for the first funding period in total

With topics ranging from material transitions to moorland landscapes, the new CRCs will receive funding for three years and nine months as of April 2025. In addition, the Grants Committee also agreed to extend funding for another 23 CRCs for an additional funding period.

DFG - German Research Foundation