Reports - Topics - News | 2018

DFG Re-Establishes Contact with Costa Rica

The DFG delegation informed the Costa Rican institutions about funding instruments and options for international cooperation

The DFG delegation informed the Costa Rican institutions about funding instruments and options for international cooperation


(02.01.18) At the beginning of December, a DFG delegation travelled to Costa Rica to investigate the country's research potential and to find out about options for joint funding of German-Costa Rican projects. During their four-day stay in San José, Alajuela and Cartago, Dietrich Halm, head of the Division for International Affairs – Latin America and the Caribbean from DFG Head Office in Bonn, and Kathrin Winkler, head of the DFG Latin America Office in São Paulo, visited local funding organisations and higher education institutions.

Results of the 2016 DFG-MINCYT/CONICET Call

Foram selecionados dez projetos conjuntos de pesquisadores argentinos e alemães que receberão fomento da DFG, CONICET e MINCYT

Foram selecionados dez projetos conjuntos de pesquisadores argentinos e alemães que receberão fomento da DFG, CONICET e MINCYT

© Freepik

(15.01.18) In 2016, the DFG and its Argentinian partner organisations MINCYT and CONICET published a call for bilateral project proposals to be carried out by researchers in Germany and Argentina in the following areas:

New Rector Appointed at Brazil’s Biggest University

The new Rector, Vahan Agopyan, and Deputy Rector, Antonio Carlos Hernandes

The new Rector, Vahan Agopyan, and Deputy Rector, Antonio Carlos Hernandes

© USP/Cecília Bastos

(20.02.18) On 29 January, Prof. Vahan Agopyan and Prof. Antonio Carlos Hernandes were formally appointed to their new roles as Rector and Deputy Rector of the University of São Paulo (USP). The ceremony was held at the seat of the state government (the Palácio dos Bandeirantes), where the approximately 800 guests representing politics and academia included the Director of the DFG’s Latin America office, Dr. Kathrin Winkler.

Visit to Universidad Austral – German Roots in Chile

View of the Pacific in the Los Ríos region – UACh building near Valdivia

View of the Pacific in the Los Ríos region – UACh building near Valdivia


(20.02.18) A new year means new goals and possibilities for cooperation. At the beginning of January, the Director of the DFG Office Latin America, Dr. Kathrin Winkler, paid a first visit to Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh) – a university that maintains strong links with Germany. Prof. Gudrun Kausel, who has served as a DFG Liaison Scientist in Chile since 2006, is a lecturer and researcher in the university’s Faculty of Sciences. During her trip, Winkler visited the institution in the Los Ríos region and met with university representatives and research staff.

Research in Germany presents itself in Buenos Aires

During the lunch session, Maxi Neidhardt (DFG Office Latin America) presented the Research in Germany initiative

During the lunch session, Maxi Neidhardt (DFG Office Latin America) presented the Research in Germany initiative


(20.03.18) At the beginning of March, the 18th International Congress on Infectious Diseases (ICID), organised by the international association ISID and the local association SADI, took place in the Argentinian capital. The topics covered included all areas of infectious diseases, with a particular focus on the big challenges in Latin America, including Zika and dengue fever. In addition, ISID is active in the One Health movement, an interdisciplinary initiative created to improve healthcare worldwide.

DFG presents funding programmes for researchers from São Paulo and the TUM

Opening remarks by Sören Metz, Head of the TUM Liaison Office for Latin America in São Paulo

Opening remarks by Sören Metz, Head of the TUM Liaison Office for Latin America in São Paulo


(26.03.18) One of the goals of the DFG Office Latin America is to inform Brazilian and German researchers about funding opportunities for joint research. To this end, the DFG was invited to participate in a series of events organised by the Technical University of Munich (TUM), which brought researchers from the Bavarian university together with counterparts in the Federal State of São Paulo.

DFG at German Science Day in Mexico City

As one of the organisers, Isabel Kielian, Deputy Director of the Goethe-Institut in Mexico City, welcomed all participants…

As one of the organisers, Isabel Kielian, Deputy Director of the Goethe-Institut in Mexico City, welcomed all participants…


(02.04.18) “Science is the best expression of diplomacy.” With these words, Ludger Siemes, a diplomat from the German Embassy in Mexico City, speaking at the opening of German Science Day on 23 March at the city’s Goethe-Institut, emphasised the importance of scientific cooperation to international relations. Organised as part of the European Union’s Science Diplomacy Week, the event was designed to raise awareness of the academic landscape and research opportunities in Germany. At the invitation of the organisers, the German Research Foundation (DFG) and other institutions delivered a series of presentations and ran an information stand that enabled closer contact with participants.

Strategic workshop seals cooperation between DFG and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Martha Zapatha, professor at FU Berlin, during the closing round of questions with the speakers

Martha Zapatha, professor at FU Berlin, during the closing round of questions with the speakers


(04.04.18) The German Research Foundation (DFG) has held an initial strategic workshop in cooperation with the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM), thus taking a further step on the path to closer cooperation between researchers from Germany and from the Mexican university. As part of the event, German and Mexican researchers were given the opportunity to present ideas for joint research projects and to get advice about suitable funding instruments.

Costa Rican-German Collaboration in Research

(03.05.18) In order to establish a basis for a joint research initiative between Germany and Costa Rica, researchers from both countries have the possibility to apply for funds for mobility within the regular programmes of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and the Costa Rican National Council of University Rectors (CONARE). If such a research cooperation is established, funding for joint international research projects can be applied for.

DFG and CAPES launch joint call for funding of Brazilian-German research projects in the fields of Chemistry and Manufacturing Engineering

(04.05.18) Within the scope of their Cooperation Agreement, the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES) and the DFG are glad to announce a joint call for German-Brazilian research projects in the field of Chemistry and Manufacturing Engineering, especially Industry 4.0, Advanced Digitalisation. For the future, it is intended that the researchers of the funded bilateral projects in each discipline collaborate with each other by means of workshops, meetings or other collaborative activities.

The proposals have to be submitted to DFG and CAPES by 26 July 2018.

Further information:

Neuroscientist Michael Brecht gives Leibniz Lectures in Brazil

The audience comprised seasoned researchers, doctoral researchers and students in the field of neurosciences

The audience comprised seasoned researchers, doctoral researchers and students in the field of neurosciences


(14.05.18) Renowned neuroscientist Professor Michael Brecht presented his research work in Brazil for the first time at the end of April. The title, “Sex, Touch & Tickle – the Cortical Neurobiology of Physical Contact”, awakened the interest of around 150 people in total, who attended the Leibniz Lectures in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro organised by the DFG Office Latin America.

Addendum signed to extend the cooperation agreement with CONACYT in Mexico

DFG Vice President Prof. Dr. Frank Allgöwer and CONACYT General Director Prof. Dr. Enrique Cabrero after signing the addendum

DFG Vice President Prof. Dr. Frank Allgöwer and CONACYT General Director Prof. Dr. Enrique Cabrero after signing the addendum


(16.05.18) On 23 April, as part of the Hannover Messe trade show, an addendum was signed to extend the cooperation agreement with the National Mexican Council for Research and Technology – CONACYT.

Brazil Day: German Embassy issues an invitation for discussions on science and politics

Participants at Brazil Day 2018

Participants at Brazil Day 2018

© Deutsche Botschaft Brasília

(16.05.18) The main theme of the annual Brazil Day held at the German Embassy in Brasília was the presidential elections due to take place in October 2018. Following the political turbulence in the wake of the removal from office of President Dilma Rousseff, elected in 2014, the choice of the new head of state will be of critical importance, in particular for the country's political, economic and scientific future.

Leibniz Prize Recipient Michael Brecht Visits Outstanding Neuroscience Institutes in Brazil

Lecture on “Neural Coding and Suppression of Movement in the Motor System” at USP

Lecture on “Neural Coding and Suppression of Movement in the Motor System” at USP


(22.05.18) At the end of April, neuroscientist Prof. Michael Brecht, a recipient of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize in 2012, made his first trip to Brazil to present his research work to colleagues there. The DFG’s Latin America office organised two Leibniz Lectures to be delivered by Brecht in São Paulo and in Rio de Janeiro, along with an accompanying scientific programme.

Research in Germany in Cancún to Present Germany as Research Location

Osier (right) answered individual questions at the end of the event

Osier (right) answered individual questions at the end of the event


(28.05.18) During the second week in May, around 1,000 participants came together in Cancún for the 22nd Latin American Immunology Congress (ALAI). Over the course of a series of lectures and symposia on the current challenges and latest findings in the field of immunology, the international audience also had a chance to learn about research and funding opportunities in Germany. The DFG Office Latin America organised a presentation of Research in Germany, comprising a booth and an information event.

DFG Office Latin America attends science and research networking meeting in Buenos Aires

Representatives of German science and research institutions at the networking meeting in Buenos Aires

Representatives of German science and research institutions at the networking meeting in Buenos Aires

© German Embassy Buenos Aires

(27.06.18) On 18 June, representatives from a number of German science and research organisations gathered in Buenos Aires to discuss projects currently underway in partnership with Argentina, touching on the challenges and future prospects.

Exhibition on Serra da Capivara Showcases Archaeological Research in Partnership with Germany

Fulniô Indios in Serra da Capivara

Fulniô Indios in Serra da Capivara

© André Pessoa

(03.07.18) As part of the 70th annual meeting of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC), to be held in Maceió in July, the DFG is to present the exhibition ‘The Brazilian World Heritage Site of Serra da Capivara – The Oldest Traces of Settlement in America?’ at the stand of the German House for Research and Innovation (DWIH) São Paulo.

Outlook for Brazilian Science Discussed at SBPC Congress in Maceió

Participantes da mesa-redonda sentados e falando ao microfone

Left to right: Representative of FINEP, chair of CONFAP, representative of SBPC and president of CNPq


(31.07.18) At the 70th annual meeting of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC), the scientific community came together at the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL) in Maceió between 22 and 27 July. At the stand of the German House for Research and Innovation São Paulo – which also hosted the exhibition ‘The Brazilian World Heritage Site of Serra da Capivara – The Oldest Traces of Settlement in America?’ – representatives from the DFG’s Latin America office were on hand to provide information about research and funding opportunities in Germany.

DFG Serra da Capivara Exhibition Makes First Appearance in Brazil

Quatro visisitantes indígenas conversam com expositora. Ao fundo, cartaz com imagem da exposição também mostrando quatro indígenas

Young visitors from the indigenous Xukuru-Kariri people


(31.07.18) As part of the 70th annual meeting of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC), which took place at the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL) in Maceió between 22 and 27 July, the DFG Office Latin America and the German House for Research and Innovation São Paulo presented the exhibition ‘The Brazilian World Heritage Site of Serra da Capivara – The Oldest Traces of Settlement in America?’

ICM 2018 – International Audience Keen to Learn About Research in Germany

Researchers took advantage of the lunch break at ICM to find out about research in Germany.

Researchers took advantage of the lunch break at ICM to find out about research in Germany.

© FU Berlin

(21.08.18) Between 1-10 August, mathematicians from all over the globe gathered in Rio de Janeiro for the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM), where they also had the chance to learn more about research and funding opportunities in Germany.

DFG Honours Fields Medallist Peter Scholze at Reception in Rio de Janeiro

Kathrin Winkler presents Peter Scholze with the congratulatory letter from the DFG.

Kathrin Winkler presents Peter Scholze with the congratulatory letter from the DFG.

© Ole Lentfer

(22.08.18) Numerous researchers in mathematics and representatives of German universities and other research institutions came together at the invitation of the DFG for a small reception at the residence of the German Consul General in Rio de Janeiro on 2 August.

World Congress of Soil Science: Presenting Germany as a Place to Research

Around 150 conference participants attended the Research in Germany information event

Around 150 conference participants attended the Research in Germany information event


(28.08.18) In the second week of August, the 21st World Congress of Soil Science was held in Rio de Janeiro, attracting some 3,500 attendees. The international audience was mostly made up of researchers based in Latin America, but a large number of African, Asian and Australian scientists also attended the event.

Workshop on Researching and Studying in Germany at UFSCar Sorocaba

Helmut Galle explained the funding programmes and opportunities for cooperation offered by the DFG

Helmut Galle explained the funding programmes and opportunities for cooperation offered by the DFG

© Nora Jacobs

(26.09.18) On 11 September 2018, students and researchers from the city of Sorocaba near São Paulo had the opportunity to learn about the German research landscape and opportunities for studying and research in Germany. During an informative workshop on the Sorocaba campus of the Federal University of São Carlos, representatives of various universities and funding organisations presented their institutions and funding programmes for researchers from all over the world.

8th International Symposium on Justice Highlights German-Brazilian Relations

Ingo Sarlet (right) calls for the establishment of a DFG/CAPES funding programme in law

Ingo Sarlet (right) calls for the establishment of a DFG/CAPES funding programme in law


(27.09.18) Between 10 and 14 September, the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) in Florianópolis played host to the 8th International Symposium on Justice: Globalisation, Multiculturalism, and Human Rights. The event was supplemented by a Humboldt Kolleg on human rights – an initiative of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation designed to promote interdisciplinary networking among researchers.

DFG and FAPESP fund workshops in Brazil

Brazilian and German researchers at 2018

Brazilian and German researchers at 2018


(18.10.2018) In 2017, the DFG and FAPESP published an announcement for the funding of scientific workshops in Germany and the state of São Paulo. As part of this joint initiative, three international workshops took place in São Paulo in October 2018.

23rd International Seminar on High Technology bolstered by BRAGECRIM's success

Prof. Dr. Reiner Anderl and Prof. Dr. Klaus Schützer

Prof. Dr. Reiner Anderl and Prof. Dr. Klaus Schützer

© Ivan Jose Moretti

(18.10.18) On 4 October, around 140 German and Brazilian researchers from the areas of production technology and advanced manufacturing came together in Piracicaba in the state of São Paulo to discuss the development of intelligent products and the associated challenges. The meeting took place against the background of the annual International Seminar on High Technology and provided a forum for researchers as well as representatives from business and industry to discuss the current state of research and compare experiences.

The first synthesis centre for biodiversity in Latin America is opening up new potential for cooperation

Audience at the workshop held at the USP Institute for Advanced Studies (IEA)

Audience at the workshop held at the USP Institute for Advanced Studies (IEA)

© Leonor Calasans / IEA-USP

(18.10.18) A world with environmental, social and economic problems increasingly calls for sustainable solutions – and cooperations between different scientific disciplines as well as the reorganisation, consolidation and synthesis of scientific data from different sources are providing solid foundations.

DFG Exhibition on Serra da Capivara at DWIH São Paulo Open Day

Exposição Serra da Capivara no Dia de Portas Abertas do DWIH Sao Paulo

Exposição Serra da Capivara no Dia de Portas Abertas do DWIH Sao Paulo

© Pâmela de Oliveira/DWIH São Paulo

(31.10.18) At the open day held at the German House for Research and Innovation (DWIH) São Paulo, Dr. Kathrin Winkler, director of the DFG’s Latin America office, gave a presentation on cooperation and funding opportunities in Germany. The event also saw the opening of the DFG photography exhibition on Serra da Capivara, which was on show at DWIH São Paulo until 10 October. André Pessoa, photographer and author of the exhibition, and Dr. André Strauss, professor at the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology of USP, spoke about the importance of the Serra da Capivara region for research.

DFG Attends ANPOCS Annual Social Sciences Meeting

Prof. Sérgio Adorno at the opening of the meeting

Prof. Sérgio Adorno at the opening of the meeting


(29.11.18) The 42nd meeting of the Brazilian National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences (ANPOCS – Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Ciências Sociais) took place in Caxambu in the state of Minas Gerais from 22 to 26 October. The event was attended by over 1,000 researchers in the field who took advantage of this opportunity to present their research work.

Extension of Cooperation Agreement with UNIANDES in Colombia

Representatives of UNIANDES and the DFG after the signing of the agreement

Representatives of UNIANDES and the DFG after the signing of the agreement


(05.12.18) After five years of successful cooperation between the DFG and the Colombian university Universidad de los Andes (UNIANDES) in Bogotá, the two institutions have decided to extend their cooperation agreement for mutual funding of German-Colombian research projects.

Opening of the New-Look “Serra da Capivara” Exhibition at the Museu do Amanhã

Exposição permanece até 10 de fevereiro no Museu do Amanhã

Exposição permanece até 10 de fevereiro no Museu do Amanhã


(05.12.18) Following visits to Berlin, Bonn and Maceió, the photographic exhibition “The Brazilian World Heritage Site of Serra da Capivara – The Oldest Traces of Settlement in America?” has now arrived in Rio de Janeiro, with its opening on 10 November in the “Museu do Amanhã” (Museum of Tomorrow).

The DFG presents measures for scientific integrity and replicability of research data

Kathrin Winkler presents the DFG funding programmes

Kathrin Winkler presents the DFG funding programmes

© M. Cortes

(10.12.18) Between 8 and 10 November, some 120 researchers from the field of bio-imaging and structural biology came together for a Humboldt Kolleg organised by Prof. Dr. Mônica Santos de Freitas from Rio de Janeiro State University. Participants came from all over Brazil, as well as Germany, Argentina, Chile, France and the UK.

Presentation of the research location Germany to young talent in Argentina

Attendee actively participates in the opening session

Attendee actively participates in the opening session

© Humboldt-Stiftung/Juan Manuel Lopetegui

(10.12.18) October was an eventful month for science in Argentina. Firstly, with the publication by the DFG, together with its Argentinian partner organisation CONICET, of an announcement for funding of German-Argentinian research projects. Researchers from specific research areas in both countries have until 5 April 2019 to submit their joint project proposals.

DFG Office Latin America Launches Interactive Tool for the New Year

Nova apresentação da DFG explica as oportunidades de pesquisa em cooperação com a Alemanha

Nova apresentação da DFG explica as oportunidades de pesquisa em cooperação com a Alemanha

© Prezi

(18.12.18) An eventful 2018 is drawing to a close - a good opportunity to review activities in Latin America over the last twelve months. The DFG was represented in over fifteen cities in six countries at events and meetings with partner organisations in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia and Mexico. Advising researchers - from both Latin America and Germany - is a central task for the DFG Office Latin America, based in São Paulo.